Having the right information about transport and the range of options available can make a huge difference. This section of the Local offer has information about some of the options available.

SEND home to school travel

SEND home to school travel and transport (0 – 16)

For most children, getting to school is a reasonable and safe walking experience. However, for some children this might not be possible and so we will need to make arrangements to provide travel assistance. This section provides information about our SEN transport policy and how you can apply for assistance.

Local authorities remain under a statutory duty to provide free home to school transport for all eligible children of compulsory school age.

SEND travel support for students aged 16 years +

If you're a student aged 16 or over with an EHC plan, you may be eligible for transport assistance and other support for home to education transport. This includes travel training, travel grants and the 16 – 19 Bursary fund.  

Find out about travel support and other options for students aged 16 +

Other community travel schemes and passes

Find a range of travel schemes and passes that might be available to you including. These include our disabled parking and blue badge schemes; freedom passes and travel cards.

Contact: SEN transport team

Telephone: 0208 461 7538