Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) review and work plan for 2023 - 2024



What’s Happened

Next Steps


Review and raise the profile of staff representatives - EDI Champions, Departmental Representatives, Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) on intranet

Departmental Representatives lists put on intranet.

Utilise Transform by publishing an article highlighting who they are.

Make them more accessible on intranet. Check current information is up to date and their training is up to date for respective roles.

Create a page on either Organisational Development or EDI to advertise the names of each.

Organise more mental health MHFA seminars.


Staff are made aware of who their EDI champion is and what their role is, and that they are able to talk to them regarding issues


An article in Transform was published featuring a Champion.



Utilise Transform article by publishing an article highlighting who they are.

Add a page onto the EDI intranet published page with information on who the EDI Champions are and what the role is, so it is easily accessible for staff.


EDI Recognition Days document

Document listing all dates the organisations is going to recognise (via email or in-person/webinar). Documents has been approved by Board members.

Add on any additional identified national events identified by the board will be considered and included if approved.

Approved document will be shared with staff.


Define roles of EDI Champions


Champions roles redefined and discussed.

Additional and refresher training to be provided by December 2023.


Review of corporate EDI and cross-borough partnership boards to include governance and workplans

Terms of Reference reviewed, identifying gaps in representation.



The board to be expanded and to include ideally representation from each of the protected characteristics.

Review of the current dates and quantity of meetings for both the boards.

The workplan for the partnership board will be reviewed and cascade to corporate activities.


Plan and arrange corporate events to raise awareness of EDI issues and legislation

International Women’s Day session held on the 8 of March.


PRIDE month session held on the 31 of May to introduce PRIDE month.

It is agreed that Black History Month will be celebrated via a webinar, dates to be agreed.

Draft and agree plan.

Budget to be agreed for all EDI events.

Plan and deliver a disability event conference by March 2024.


Collection of staff profile data

Relaunched data collection form for staff to complete on new HR system.

Continue to promote and remind staff to complete data declarations.

The data will be analysed to provide targeted resources  and activities.


Review current level of ‘disability confident’ employer

Subject matter expert to present position and options at next available EDI board.

Consider options then develop an action plan as required.


To extend the cross-borough mentor scheme

A new cohort of mentors and mentees have been identified.

A second cohort of the scheme to commence October 2023. Training for the cohort to take place from September 2023.


Plan, design and deliver an all staff EDI conference in 2024

Design for the conference has been agreed.

Date to be agreed, speakers to be commissioned, and the conference promoted to the workforce.


Review and redesign REAL Values seminars.

The new look seminars have been designed with a focus on EDI.

Schedule to take place throughout 2023 - 2024, the seminars to be promoted to the workforce.  The seminars will be reviewed after each session to ensure relevance.


Train relevant managers how to complete equality impact assessments

Training has been commissioned and training dates circulated.

The training will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure relevance and take-up.  Number of completions and quality will be monitored.


Deliver a range of EDI training


The current training programme has been reviewed, with a gap analysis completed to ascertain needs.  Where additional training needs have been identified, this is in the process of being commissioned.

Continue to promote EDI training and monitor uptake, further EDI related training courses to be implemented throughout the year to support the workforce.

(see training list below)

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion E-Learning available now

Staff and managers are encouraged to access and complete the EDI suite of e-learning training courses available via the learning management system Evolve, with more courses being made available where appropriate.

Current courses available to complete via Evolve include:

  • Unconscious Bias Training
  • Direct and Indirect Discrimination
  • Diversity & Equality Awareness
  • Equality & Diversity in Health and Social Care
  • Disability Discrimination
  • Gender Re-Assignment Discrimination
  • Sexual Orientation Discrimination
  • Ensuring Equality in Applications and Interviews
  • Ensuring Equality (when advertising a job)
  • Equality when Recruiting
  • Equality Impact Assessment Training
  • Equality Champion Training