Our housing options and support service work with partner agencies to assist rough sleepers off the streets and into accommodation as quickly as possible, this is even more important during periods of cold weather. We hold regular task and targeting meetings to ensure the most vulnerable rough sleepers are supported through their transition into accommodation. This can include support to access services such as health, mental health, substance support, employment, and any other area they may need support with.

We have been working hard to reduce the number of people that find themselves without housing and end up rough sleeping on the streets and other sites within the borough. The reasons for rough sleeping vary, but it is important that they access help and support to get them off the streets as soon as possible.

What will we do?

Our aim is to engage with rough sleepers and provide solutions to the problem by finding accommodation or reconnecting them back to areas that they have come from, with appropriate support. This will be achieved in partnership with several council services and agencies that deliver accommodation and support services throughout the year. Accommodation will be accessed within the private rented sector where possible.

What can you do?

We need the public to let us know when there is a rough sleeper in the local area. You can do this by making a referral to Street Link who will send the referral onto our local outreach team. Street Link exists to help end rough sleeping by enabling members of the public to connect people sleeping rough with the local services that can support them.

You can make a referral by ringing the 24-hour phone number 0300 5000914 (charged at local rate) or complete the online referral form at www.streetlink.org.uk

The South-East Regional Outreach team will aim to make contact based on the information you provide, so please try and give exact description and location of the person. You may be asked for your email address, this is so the outreach worker can contact you to let you know the outcome of your call. All information you provide will be held in the strictest confidence.