The London Borough of Bromley adopted the Planning Obligations SPD (PDF - 1.18 MB) on 29 June 2022. The SPD provides guidance on the council’s general approach to planning obligations, and where relevant, sets out the requirements and mechanisms for securing contributions.

Legal fees

If the work is done by the council’s own solicitors, typically a fixed fee is payable depending on the number of obligations (excluding the monitoring fee):

  • One or two: £2850
  • Three: £4140
  • Four or five: £5435
  • Six or more: £7245

For example, having to pay a carbon offsetting contribution and carry out an early stage and late stage viability review would be three obligations.

Householder applications usually have a single flat fee of £470.

If a matter proves to be unusually time consuming, an additional fee may be due. There is no VAT payable.

When the council uses external solicitors, they usually charge based on the time spent rather than a fixed fee. They will provide a specific estimate in each case.