We inspect our bridges every two years and draw up a maintenance programme based in part on the inspection results. If you are aware of damage to one of our bridges, please contact us so we can make repairs.

If you are planning to undertake construction work adjacent to roads (even if you have already been in contact with planning and building control) you may need to seek our approval before undertaking the work - please contact us for details.


Bridges are the predominant 'road structure' in the borough, but other examples include retaining walls, high masts, cellars and vaults. The council is not responsible for all the bridges in the borough. Other bridge 'owners' and authorities include Network Rail for instance.

The maximum permitted weight for lorries on road bridges was increased in February 2001 to 44 tonnes. Our bridges have been assessed to see if they could cope with the weight increase safely and we have a programme of bridge strengthening work.

Customer contact centre

Address: Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley, BR1 3UH

Telephone: 0300 303 8658