To reduce the numbers of children identified as missing in education, it is important that all schools (regardless of status) provide the Local Authority of details regarding the removal of students from roll. All schools (including independent schools) to notify the LA (Local Authority) of any child that they intend to remove from their admissions register at non-standard transition points, regardless of the reason as stated in The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006. This guidance also lays out reasons as to why a child can be removed from roll.

In Bromley our process is for schools to complete the intention to off roll (ITOR) form, each request is then reviewed by a member of the Education Welfare Service (EWS) team, ensuring it meets the criteria set out in the Education Regulations. Schools are then notified of the authority’s decision as to whether they can be legally removed from roll.

For further information please read the Bromley EWS removal from roll policy on the Education Matters Website.