Choosing to educate your child at home

Should you choose to home educate your child you will need to confirm this in writing to the head teacher of your child’s school.

If your child has not started school and or you have moved into Bromley please contact our home education officer.

Frequently asked questions about educating a child at home

What happens after I inform the school I will be educating my child?

You will be contacted by the home education officer who will ensure that you are aware of what you are undertaking; signpost you to areas of support and advise you of Bromley Council's processes.

Is there any financial support if I choose to home educate?

No. Parents become completely responsible for any costs incurred

Do I have to deliver the education myself or can someone else help me?

No. Who and how you deliver a suitable education is entirely your choice. This can range from a privately employed tutor to a member of your family or friend.

Can my child return to school?

Yes. You will need to complete an in year application form, clearly indicating that you no longer wish to educate your child and require them to return to school.

In year application form primary schools

In year application form secondary schools

Please contact our home education officer for further advice and support. 

I am still not sure whether I should home educate my child. Is there someone I can speak to?

Yes. You can contact the home education officer.

Home education