Requesting an EHC needs assessment

If the educational setting is concerned that your child is not making the progress expected despite all the additional resources and interventions put in place, they may request an EHC needs assessment.

Other professionals can also request an EHC needs assessment such as social workers and health practitioners. This should be made with your knowledge and agreement.

As a parent, you also have the right to make a direct request for an assessment to the local authority, as can your child from the end of the school year in which they turn 16 years old. It is recommended that you talk to your child’s education setting before asking for an EHC needs assessment, as they can provide essential evidence to support your request.

Working together with the educational setting and other professionals will ensure that your child remains at the centre of decisions about their special educational needs and provision.

Please visit our education, health and care needs assessment pages to learn more or download our education, health and care (EHC) needs assessment guide.

If you would like to make a request for an EHC needs assessment for your child/young person or if you are a young person who would is requesting this assessment, please request an EHC needs assessment via the online portal.

Requests will be processed by the Statutory Needs Assessment Team (SENAT) who notify applicants within six weeks if a needs assessment is to be made.

Using the EHCP Portal

The EHCP portal is a secure, online platform created with parents and children/young people in mind. The EHCP Portal allows you to request an EHC plan assessment, to track the progress of your EHC plan and view deadlines, reports and evidence submitted by professionals.

Please watch the Bromley EHC portal account registration video for guidance on setting up your account and using the online portal.

Please be aware: It is preferable to use Google Chrome for the EHC online portal as this browser functions better with newer sites and programmes.

If you need support to complete this request please contact the Bromley Information Advice and Support Service.