Most children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities can be taught in mainstream schools including those with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan, often referred to as EHCP). If your child or young person has a much higher level of need, they may require more specialist support, which could be in a school with an additionally resourced provision or special school.

Primary school

Find out about applying for primary  schools

Secondary school

Find out about applying for secondary schools

Further and higher education colleges

Find out about colleges in Bromley

Starting school

When you know what school your child will be going to, you should speak to the head teacher or the school SENCO about your child’s needs. This will help the school to decide how to best support your child to give them the best possible start to their education.

Support for children and young people with higher level of needs

The majority of school aged children and young people in Bromley will have their needs met within mainstream schools that provide support for a wide range of special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. We can provide specialist services and support to school age children with a higher level of needs by working with other services in health, education, social care and the voluntary sector. This provides quality, timely and co-ordinated access to intervention and support for children and young people in mainstream schools, specialist provisions, schools, and colleges.

Home to school travel and transport assistance

For large numbers of children and young people, getting to school will be a reasonable and safe walking experience. There will, however, be a small number of children and young people with more complex needs for whom Bromley Council will need to make arrangements to provide transport or travel assistance.