Children and Family Centres offer a range of services to meet the needs of children under five and support their families. There are six children and family centres in Bromley and the services provided are designed around the needs of the surrounding area.

The centres are places where children can make friends and learn as they play. Parents and carers can access professional advice on health and family matters, learn about training and job opportunities or just socialise with other people. The types of activities and support that may be running at your local children and family centre are:

  • Universal services such as baby clinics, developmental health checks, speech and language drop ins
  • Targeted services including domestic abuse programmes
  • Family support and parenting from Family Support and Parenting Practitioners, Health Visitors, Midwives and young mum groups
  • Information and advice on housing, childminding support and infant feeding support
  • A range of courses and drop-in sessions for parents/ carers and their children aged from 0 to 5 years designed around child development, school readiness, health and wellbeing and acquiring new skills
  • Quality play sessions and other additional provision for parents/ carers with children of primary school age.

The Children and Family Centres aim to offer a range of targeted services from professional organisations for courses and activities such as:

  • Parenting skills
  • Baby massage
  • Debt and money management skills
  • Employment and job seeking skills
  • First aid training
  • Healthy eating
  • Post-natal courses
  • Speech therapy
  • ESOL Language Courses


Our Children and Family Centres offer a wide range of bookable activities including some Learn and Play drop-ins. The Bromley Children Project and partners continue to ensure that support, activities and services are made available to the local community.

Learn and Play Sessions - a handy guide

Children and Family Centre feedback

Children and Family Centre timetables are also released each month via our social media platforms.

Facebook The Bromley Children Project - Facebook

Instagram The Bromley Children Project – Instagram

Timetables are also available to collect from your local Children and Family Centre. You can view the full directory of Children and Family Centre activities and services online.

Bromley Children Project

Address: Central Library, High Street, Bromley, BR1 1EX

Telephone: 020 8461 7259

Sign up here to access our Children and Family Centres

Children and Family Centres Activities/Services Survey