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The council are proceeding with the refurbishment of the leisure centres in West Wickham and at the Walnuts in Orpington, following Executive Approval for the plans on 18 April.
Refurbishment works at West Wickham are being brought forward, following structural issues being identified.
This means that the centre will now remain closed until the works are completed. Some initial enabling works beginning in June 2024 will allow for the more substantive works, which are currently scheduled for early 2025 and are expected to be completed by early 2026.
The pool will need to close in Summer 2025 to complete the works, which will reopen again by March 2026.
While it was initially intended to complete the pool at the Walnuts ahead of works at West Wickham, it was decided to reverse the order given the closure of West Wickham, which will avoid intermediate repair costs required to reopen the centre.
Works at the Walnuts will commence in 2025 in a phased approach to allow the pool to remain open for as long as possible during the works.
Regular updates will be provided here about these works and the services available at these centres as works progress.
Mytime Active, the borough’s leisure provider, will also provide updates directly to their members as needed.
Find out more about the works through our frequently asked questions page.