Short breaks eligibility (children and young people)

The needs and family situation of each child is different and short breaks are therefore offered to meet specific needs in each case. Children and young people with special educational needs who can answer yes to the numbered statements are usually eligible for a short breaks assessment.

1) Your child has at least one severe, profound or complex disability which has a substantial and long term effect on the child or young person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities from the following categories:

  • Learning disability
  • Autism spectrum condition/social communication difficulties 
  • Health issues 
  • Hearing and visual difficulties

2) Your child/young person has tried to access universal or targeted (local/community) services without success?

3) Your child's or young person's disability has a big impact on your family’s daily life?

4) Your child or young person’s residential address is within the London Borough of Bromley and they are aged between 0-18?

The final decision will be based on the outcome of either an online assessment or a social work assessment

Support can also be provided to families where the need may be greater due to individual family circumstances and not necessarily due to the severity of the child or young person’s disability. This might include where there is more than one disabled child or young person in the family impacting on the parent’s ability to cope, or where additional support is required to safeguard a child.

This support could be via the childrens disability team other social care teams or support via Bromley Children’s Project might be recommended.

Our short breaks disability criteria guide provides a simple reference tool to indicate whether you should consider completing the short breaks online assessment.