What is the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment?

The Health and Social Care Act (2012) requires health and wellbeing boards to produce a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).

JSNAs are local assessments of current and future health and social care needs. The aims of the JSNA are to improve the health and wellbeing of the local population and reduce inequalities throughout the life-course by supporting commissioning plans and other decision making.

The JSNA informs the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (PDF - 3.6 MB) which outlines the key priorities for improving health and wellbeing of people living in the Borough of Bromley together with expected outcomes. It is evidence-based and updated on a rolling basis bringing together a range of topics with input from the council, NHS and partner agencies which can be referenced together.

JSNA reports

Demography JSNA Chapter (PDF - 1.96 MB)

Bromley suicide audit 2024 JSNA - Executive summary (PDF - 213.14 KB)

COVID-19 Pandemic JSNA Chapter (PDF - 553.11 KB)

Substance Misuse JSNA - Executive Summary 2022 (PDF - 218.92 KB)

Alcohol JSNA for 2022 (PDF - 2.76 MB)

Learning Disabilities JSNA update chapter 2019 (PDF - 349.67 KB)

Sexual Health JSNA for 2019 (PDF - 2.04 MB)

Children and Young People JSNA for 2024

Adult JSNA report for 2017


Archived JSNA content is available on request. Email: JSNA@bromley.gov.uk