Non householder planning application forms
Non-householder planning application forms, guidance notes on how to complete each form and checklists for the information required are available to download in pdf format from the Planning Portal website using the links below.
Applications can also be made online via the Planning Portal website.
Please print and complete the appropriate form and return by post to the address below, or in person to planning reception at the Civic Centre. Before submitting your application, please make sure you have looked at the relevant checklist and enclosed the appropriate application fee.
Download forms, checklist and guidance notes
- Use this form to apply for planning permission for non-householder development:
Application for planning permission (file size 485KB)
Guidance notes (file size 88.3KB)
- Use this form to apply for planning permission for non-householder development with Listed Building Consent application:
Application for planning permission and Listed Building Consent (file size 491KB)
Guidance notes (file size 101KB)
- Use this form to apply for planning permission for non-householder development with Conservation Area Consent (including demolition):
Application for planning permission and Conservation Area Consent including demolition (file size 486KB)
Guidance notes (file size 89.6KB)
- Use this form to apply for planning permission for non-householder development with advertisement consent application:
Application for planning permission with Advertisement Consent (file size 495KB)
Guidance notes (file size 94.7KB)