Becoming a school governor

School governors play a vital part in the success of our schools they ensure our children get the best from their time in school. Being a school governor is demanding but rewarding.  Schools are keen to attract people in the community to become governors; people who can bring energy and experience and can contribute to the strategic leadership of a school.

Governors need to have time to dedicate to their role, to be prepared to make challenging decisions, act with the very best of intentions and confidentially at all times, and to make sure their decisions are followed up.  Governors work as a team and play an important role in making sure the school provides a good quality of education. An enhanced and rewarding training programme is available for governors in Bromley.

Every school must have a governing board. The membership will vary according to the type of school. Each governing board may consist of any of the following roles:

  • Parent Governors - elected by and from parents of registered pupils at the school. 
  • Community Governors - are appointed by the governing body from the local community.
  • Staff Governors - elected by teaching and support staff at the school.
  • Foundation Governors - appointed representatives from the church or charitable trust.
  • Local Authority (LA) Governors -  are appointed by the local authority. Academies can still elect to have an LA Governor.

Please contact us if you would like more information about becoming a governor.