Social and communication needs - community and training

Bromley All-age Autism Partnership (BAAP)

In December 2018, the government updated its National Autism Strategy to represent people of all ages in the UK for the first time. It stated ‘The strategy must put in place the right health, care and education services, reduce social isolation and open up opportunities for autistic people of all ages’.  In response the Bromley Autism Partnership was extended to become the Bromley All-Age Autism Partnership (BAAP).

The Bromley All-Age Autism Partnership (BAAP) brings together representatives including autistic individuals, parent and carer representatives, professionals, and the voluntary sector to improve services and the pathways to support in Bromley, for autistic children, young people and adults.

As part of this partnership subgroups have been established to ensure lived experience can be fed back to the board. Two groups are currently in existence and meet prior to each board meeting.

Autism Young People and Adults (subgroup 1) meet online in the evening and will be offered a face to face meeting as well.

Autism Parents and Carers (subgroup 2) meet face to face and will be offered an evening online meeting as well.

If you want to find out more or join these meeting, then please contact

The Bromley all-age Autism Board (BAAB)

The work of the BAAP is overseen by a committee known as the Bromley All Age Autism Board (BAAB) a decision-making body whose main aim is to influence commissioners and develop improved services within Bromley for Autistic community.

The board was behind the development of Bromley’s first all-age Autism Strategy 2022-2027. The strategy has five priority areas identified through the board after engagement and understanding of local arising needs. These priorities are:

  1. Increasing understanding and awareness.
  2. Building sustainable education placements.
  3. Supporting independence building skills to employment.
  4. Reducing health inequalities.
  5. The right support at the right time.

These five priorities have been included in an All-age Autism action plan which is managed by the SEND and Autism Project Officer.

There are several community groups and activities that could be accessed for children with social communication needs or autism and their families. Check out the frequently updated calendar of events.

To find out more about other activities and groups, go to the SEND leisure and activity pages.

If you know of any autism friendly activities that are not listed, then please email so that they can be included. 


The AET licence came to an end in December 23, though many aspects of the training and resources they provided are still accessible.

Early years settings, schools and post 16 education providers will continue to receive regular training, practical tools, and a wealth of resources to better support in autism awareness and strategies for teaching children with social communication needs and autism.

Each school has a single point of contact within Bromley specialist teams that they can turn to for further advice and bespoke training if needed. See special educational needs (SEN) advisory service.