We want to put the voice of our children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and their families at the heart of what we do. 

Our SEND engagement framework Better Together: Inform, Involve, Influence (PDF - 2.48 MB) sets out how we ask for, collect and use feedback from our children and young people and their parents or carers.

We work with range of organisations and individual parent carers.

Some parent carers meet with service leads to share their experiences to improve service delivery for all families; working with commissioners, service providers and policy makers to develop and design services, pathways, and processes to improve outcomes for all children, young people and their families. If you would like to share your views or experiences with us please contact SENDEngagement@bromley.gov.uk.

SEND Matters Live

The SEND Matters Live event is a chance for parents and carers to ask their questions directly to senior leaders of the SEND Partnership team. The event is held twice a year in the Autumn and Spring terms.

The aim for the SEND Matters Live event is to:

  • listen to parent carers regarding their experiences of SEND services and support in Bromley;
  • share information and provide answers to the questions raised by parent carers;
  • engage with parent carers and hear suggestions for further SEND developments.

Please find below the PowerPoint presentation shared at the event held on Thursday 18 April 2024, along with the responses to questions raised.

SEND Matters Live presentation (PDF - 1.12 MB)

SEND Partnership response to questions (PDF - 97.87 KB)

Bromley Parent Carer Forum

Bromley Parent Carer Forum (BPCF) are group of passionate parent carers dedicated to giving voice to local SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) families. We strive to simplify the SEND landscape by supporting parent carers, ensuring their voices are heard, listened to, and help inform the shaping of services.

Visit our website to find out how to join our community and how we support you at Bromley Parent Carer Forum.

Your Voice in Health and Social Care (YVHSC)

YVHSC is charity commissioned by Bromley Council and SEL Clinical Commissioning group to support the engagement of parent carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the borough.

YVHSC ensures that there is input from broad representation including those communities who are seldom heard and/or do not always access services they need.

Using parent carers’ direct, lived experience of receiving services for their children and young people with SEND, YVHSC can highlight where local services, processes, and commissioning is working well, and where changes or improvements need to be made.

For more information about the Bromley Parent Engagement SEND Service (BPESS) by Your Voice in Health and Social Care (YVHSC), please visit the BPESS website.

Embracing Diversity - Project Me Programme

Through collaborative effort with Bromley Council's Embracing Diversity Task Group, Bromley Parent Engagement SEND Services (BPESS), SEN Parenting, and STUBS Disability Services, OAKonsult has gained comprehensive understanding of the impact of the ongoing national situation on the Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) community in Bromley. This understanding has been achieved through shared experiences, deep passion, and data collected from the community. 

Project Me, programme run by OAKonsult aims to empower parent carers of children with special needs or disabilities from the BAME community, by delivering workshops, training, practical sessions, and therapeutic approaches.

This comprehensive program will help participants develop the skills, resources, and opportunities necessary to establish connections, build relationships, and better advocate for themselves. Ultimately, the program seeks to change the narrative by giving parent carers within the BAME community greater voice within the Bromley community.

For more information about the Project Me workshops, please visit the Oakonsult website.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the SEND Partnership (PDF - 221.06 KB).