
It is an offence for anyone to erect, take down, alter or repair a building without separating it from the public highway first. Hoarding (temporary fencing placed around the site/building in question) can be erected to help safeguard and control access to the site. 

Should this hoarding extend onto any part of the public highway (including both the footway and the carriageway), consent will be required from Bromley Council. This permission is given by granting a temporary highway licence. 

The responsibility for obtaining and following all regulations and fulfilling the conditions of the licence is the sole responsibility of the applicant.

Any building that is not adequately protected by the appropriate hoarding, or any hoarding that:

  • Is unlicenced
  • Is placed on the highway in contravention of the licence conditions
  • Has damaged or altered the highway in any way

May result in the responsible person/applicant incurring a penalty charge and/or a request that the hoarding is removed and the works stopped. 

When do I need a licence

You will require a temporary highway licence from Bromley Council for any hoarding that extends onto a highway for any period of time where:

  • It is a public highway over which Bromley Council has authority and maintains at the public expense
  • It is an unadopted highway upon which Bromley Council must ensure that the public have a right of passage and the ability to pass and repass

You will not require a licence where:

  • The hoarding is to be on a private road where public access is restricted or controlled. 
  • The hoarding remains on private land/forecourts and does not extend onto either of the two types of highways above.
  • The council gives you permission to dispense with the requirement to erect hoarding. 

Transport for London is responsible for licensing any hoarding on a TfL Red Route within the borough, which are:

  • The A21 (starts on the borough Boundary with Lewisham on London Road, and comprises Tweedy Road, Kentish Way, Masons Hill, Bromley Common, Hastings Road, Farnborough Common, Farnborough Way and Sevenoaks Road before finishing within the borough at Hewitts Roundabout)
  • The A232 (starts on the borough boundary with Croydon at Wickham Road and comprises West Wickham High Street, Glebe Way and Croydon Road before meeting the A21 at Farnborough Common)

All enquiries that relate to these locations should therefore be redirected to TfL - highway licences

In some cases the council may request a site meeting between one of its enforcement officers and you the applicant to discuss the impact of the hoarding on the use of the highway.

Will I require additional consent

There are occasions when you may require additional consent in order to be able to place hoarding on the highway: 

  • If your hoarding extends into any restricted parking bays, including permit bays, loading bays, short stay parking bays, pay and display bays, and car parks you will also need to apply to suspend the parking bay in question for the duration of the licence. Suspensions are not required for a free parking bay.
  • If the hoarding is linked to any connected highway works with a roadworks permit a temporary highway licence is only required if the hoarding is to be placed outside of the agreed works area.

Site photos 

We recommend that for your own records photographs of the site are taken prior to the erection of the structure, should any queries arise about your hoarding. 

Licence conditions

Once your application has been approved, you will be issued with a licence that will contain conditions to ensure that other highway users are safeguarded while the hoarding is in-situ.

We reserve the right to add extra conditions depending upon the location and nature of the hoarding. If this applies to your application they will be listed under the special conditions on the licence. 

Cost/renewal of licence

A hoarding licence costs £260 and is valid for a three month period. Please allow two working days for your application to be processed. Any extension or renewal of the licence will require a new application which will be treated in exactly the same way as the first. 

If you wish to extend/renew your licence please ensure that you allow the council the two working days in order to process the application in good time before you wish the licence to start.


Complete our hoarding licence application form

Appeal a refused licence

Anyone who believes they have been unfairly refused a temporary highway licence can appeal.

Appeal a refused temporary highway licence

Data protection and privacy

For information on how we will use, process and store your personal data please see our privacy notice.