On 25 October 2010 the Bromley Town Centre Area Action Plan was adopted by full council as a statutory Development Plan document and forms part of the borough's Local Development Framework (LDF). A Statement of Adoption has been issued by the council to this effect.

The adopted plan will ensure that development over the next 15 years will be undertaken in a balanced and coordinated manner by setting out a comprehensive framework to guide the delivery of housing, employment, leisure and associated community facilities, infrastructure and transport initiatives within Bromley Town Centre. Schemes already underway are:

The vision of the plan is to promote and enhance Bromley's position as metropolitan town centre, making it a vibrant place where an increasing number of people want to live, work and shop, and to ensure that high quality design-led development contributes positively to Bromley's attractiveness as a commercial, cultural and residential town. 

You can now download the Adopted Bromley Town Centre Area Action Plan and Inspectors Report

Local Plan adoption

The Bromley Local Plan was adopted on the 16 January 2019, certain policies in the Bromley Town Centre Area Action Plan are replaced by policies in the Local Plan. Details of policy replacements.

The council will shortly be reviewing the Bromley Town Centre Area Action Plan in light of the Local Plan’s adoption.