We strive to offer you a welcoming and professional service and deal with your enquiries as efficiently as we can.

Our Customer Service Centre is open by appointment only, please call in advance to book an appointment on 020 8464 3333.

Ways to contact our customer service team are:

Face to face

  • a member of our team will greet you within 5 minutes of your arrival at any of our receptions
  • the person you have come to see will meet you within 10 minutes of your appointment time

Email contact

  • we aim to acknowledge your email within 1 working day
  • we will aim to send a full reply in less than 5 working days

Telephone contact

  • We aim to answer 50 percent of calls within one minute
  • we will always try to answer your query straight away if we can
  • if you leave a message on an answerphone, we will call you back within one working day