Non major development categories (no meeting)

Householder Fee
Householder Telephone Advice Appointment (only available within 6 months of an application for the same site that has been granted or refused - no written response) £62.50
Householder proposals (extensions to an existing dwelling, garden outbuildings (not new dwellings) and vehicular accesses to dwellings) £187.50
Householder proposals following a refusal of planning permission for a similar proposal within six months of the decision notice (extensions to an existing dwelling, garden outbuildings (not new dwellings) and vehicular accesses to dwellings) £125
New dwellings (Non major) Fee
1 new dwelling (including conversions) £387.50
Each additional dwelling up to 9 dwellings (including conversions) £187.50
Commercial development (Non-major) Fee
1 to 50sqm change of use, new or additional floorspace £187.50
51 to 100sqm change of use, new or additional floorspace £375
101sqm to 499sqm change of use, new or additional floorspace £750
500sqm to 999sqm change of use, new or additional floorspace £1250
Commercial proposals not involving change of use or increase in floorspace £187.50
Advertisements £187.50
Telecommunications development £375

Major development categories (one meeting included)

In Principle (Major development only) Fee
‘In Principle’ Planning Land Use Advice for Major Development Site (separate submission would be required for further advice - half fee follow up does not apply) £1,377
New dwellings (Major) Fee
10 new dwellings (including conversions) £2,241
Each additional dwelling from 11 to 24 dwellings (including conversions) £135
25 or more dwellings £4,266
Commercial development (Major) Fee
1,000 to 1,999sqm change of use, new or additional floorspace £2,025
2,000sqm or more change of use, new or additional floorspace £2,700
Minerals and/or waste developments £4,050
Development on site of larger than 1ha not falling within other categories £2,700

Exemptions and resubmissions

Category Fee
Follow up pre-application submission within one year of advice already provided through this service (does not apply to Major ‘In Principle or householder telephone advice) Half the original fee
Proposal involving mix of above categories Highest category charged plus half of any other category
Alterations/extensions to a dwelling house for the benefit of a person with a disability or works/operations solely for the purpose of providing a means of access for disabled persons to a building or premises No fee