Tree management strategy - Foreword

The London Borough of Bromley is proud to be home to the largest number of street and park trees in London, and to two thirds of London’s woodlands – much of which resides in our 552 hectares of council managed woodland and conservation sites. As managers of the largest local tree resource, in the world’s greatest urban forest, we acknowledge the importance of managing our trees well.

In this strategy, we set out policies that will enable us all to receive the benefits of the borough’s trees through the contributions they make to our environment, health, economy, and wellbeing. In recognition of the advantages that trees provide, we have been pleased to invest over £1.35m in our treemendous tree planting programme which will see 5000 additional street trees planted in the next few years to the benefit of those who live, work, study and visit in the borough.


A tree management strategy is recommended to clearly set out the council’s approach to discharging its statutory responsibilities in relation to the management of trees in public spaces, whilst also harnessing the benefits that good tree management can have for residents.

This tree management strategy will:

  • Promote awareness of the value of trees in our environment
  • Interpret the London-wide policy framework on the management of trees set by the Countryside Commission
  • Give direction and guidance to local initiatives; both public and private.