Works to trees - hedgerow removal checklist

The following checklist should be used in conjunction with the application for hedgerow removal notice.

You may be required to produce a Design and Access Statement to accompany your application if the proposal is in a conservation area or relates to a listed building. Further information is available on applying for planning permission and planning application forms.

Please ensure you have met the following requirements before sending us your completed application form:

  • A completed form or the form set out in Schedule 4 to the Hedgerow Regulations 1997
  • A plan which clearly shows the location and length of the hedgerow(s) to be removed (if possible, please provide a plan to a scale of 1:2500. A different scale can be used so long as it shows clearly the location and length of the hedgerow or hedgerows that you wish to remove)
  • Evidence of the date of planting

The Council may also require that one or more of the documents set out in the following "Local requirements" should be submitted before it can validate and register the application:

  • Arboricultural implications
  • Biodiversity survey and report
  • Landscaping details

If you are unsure about which documents you are required to submit, please contact us for informal advice.