Prior notification of agricultural development application checklist

The following checklist should be used in conjunction with the application for prior notification of proposed agricultural development - proposed building, road, excavation / deposit of waste or fish tank application.

Further information on applying for planning permission and planning application forms is available here.

Please ensure you have met the following requirements before sending us your completed application form:

  • A completed form or written description of the proposed development and the materials to be used
  • An up to date plan which identifies the agricultural unit to which the application relates drawn to a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 and on A4 or A3 size paper and showing the direction of North (4 copies to be supplied unless the application is submitted online via the Planning Portal website) Sufficient detail such as roads or buildings should be shown on the plan to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear. The agricultural unit should be edged with a red line and the location of the proposed building or road shown.
  • The appropriate fee

In order to assess the application the following information is also likely to be required

  • Plans (4 copies to be supplied unless the application is submitted electronically):
    - existing and proposed elevations (e.g. at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100) for buildings
    - existing and proposed site sections and finished floor and site levels (e.g. at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100) - for proposals on sloping sites and that involve a change in levels.
    - existing and proposed plans (e.g. at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100)  showing boundaries with written dimensions to them, and external dimensions of the proposed building where relevant
  • Evidence of the viability of the agricultural business concerned including the size of the agricultural unit, and details of the purposes for which the building is required

If you are unsure about which documents you are required to submit, please contact us for informal advice.