Developers and building contractors should familiarise themselves with both Section 60 and 61 of the Act before submitting an Application. Failure to obtain the necessary consent may result in the Council serving a s60 notice setting out its own terms and conditions.

Any application must be received at least 28 days before any works commence.

It is advisable to engage an acoustic consultant experienced in construction noise and vibration assessment and prediction to complete your s61 application.

Key considerations:

1. To assess the impact of noisy work baseline levels of ambient noise and vibration on the Site boundary. This data may be available from work carried out for the planning application stage of the development. The measured noise and vibration data should include results for periods during which the works will be carried out.

2. Predictions of construction noise should be calculated at one meter, free field, from the facades of the worst affected (generally the nearest) sensitive receptors, thus allowing for a ‘worst case scenario’ noise assessment to be made.

Maximum total file uploads must not exceed 18MB.  Anything over this will fail in the form being received.

Use of your personal data
The London Borough of Bromley may use your personal data without your specific consent to provide you with one or more council services, and to comply with the council’s statutory and legal obligations. Information about how the council uses and protects personal data and about personal data rights is available at


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